VNOP stands for Vereniging voor Nederlandse Ontwikkelings-Psychologie

We are the Dutch Society for Developmental Psychology.

Our organisation was founded on June 27, 2007 and aims to facilitate Dutch Developmental Psychology in the broadest sense. This aim extends to both scientific research and academic education. We include the subject of Pedagogics, and support scientists in both the Nederlands and Flanders.

This site is public and all information is accessible to everyone: you do not need to be a member to access the news on this site, and you can subscribe to the free VNOP eNewsletter without having to become a member. Please fill in the form below in order to sign up for the eNewsletter.



The VNOP is a society with individual members. Everyone with an academic interest in developmental psychology in the broadest sense can become member.

Membership benefits

  • Only members can vote
  • Only members are eligible for functions in the VNOP
  • You have to become a member to participate in certain the activities of the VNOP (the Conference, The PhD days, etc.).

We keep the cost as low as possible: as of June 2018 only 25 euro per two years (for all members). If you became member because of the previous conference, the validity of your membership will end just before registration for the next biennial conference opens. You will be informed.

To register as a member, please visit

VNOP secretariat

Universiteit Utrecht
Faculteit Sociale Wetenschappen
Departement Gedragswetenschappen

Postbus 80.140
3508 TC Utrecht
Twitter: @VNOP_NL

Webmaster: Jan Boom

IBAN: NL25RABO0140077693
KvK: 34279111
BTW: 8184.33.267.B.01