Grants and awards

VNOP Dissertation Award

The award for the best dissertation is a biennial prize that is granted to the best dissertation written by VNOP members and supervised by at least one VNOP member. The dissertations have to be defended during the period of two years between March 1st of the year of the previous conference to March 1st of the year of the actual VNOP conference. The prize consists of a certificate and 250 euro. Please see this document for detailed list of criteria and regulations.

The committee for 2020 consisted of:

  • Prof. Maurits van der Molen (chair)
  • Prof. Anneloes van Baar
  • Prof. Maartje Rijmakers
  • Prof. Paul van Geert
  • Prof. Carolina de Weerth

Paul van Geert Award

The Paul van Geert award is a biennial prize that is granted to the best paper concerning a dynamic approach to psychological development, written by AIO’s or post-docs. The paper may be theoretical, methodological or empirical, as long as it addresses a dynamic approach to developmental processes in psychology.

The papers have to be published during the period of two years between March 1st of the year of the previous conference to March 1st of the year of the actual VNOP conference. The authors should be AIO or post doc at the time of submission of the paper. The prize consists of a certificate and 250 euro. Please see this document for detailed list of criteria and regulations.

The committee for 2020 consisted of:

  • Dr. Anna Lichtwarck-Aschoff
  • Prof. Dr. Marijn van Dijk
  • Prof. Dr. Paul van Geert

Grants provided by the VNOP

Support may be granted for initiatives concerned with the valorisation, advancement or promotion of research in developmental psychology from either single researchers or groups that are member of the VNOP. Examples may include support towards a project, conference, seminar, workshop, or exhibition. The grant will vary according to the characteristics of the proposed activity, but is unlikely to exceed € 1000 and to be more than 30% of the total costs.

The event has to take place in the Netherlands or in Belgium.

If fees are requested for attendance of the event the VNOP may ask you to ask a reduced fee for VNOP members. No more than one request per calendar-year per organization unit can be granted. Beware that in complicated and exceptional cases the VNOP board has to be consulted, which may slow down the decision process.

Applicants should fill out the application Form and submit it to the secretary of the VNOP with the following e-mail address: